On Thursday this week, we will have our first annual general meeting. Harvest Hands was registered in November 2011, and we can officially say we are a year old. Thank you for supporting the Lord’s work in Uganda and may the Lord continue to bless Harvest Hands for His praise and glory.
January 2013
Harvest Hands International introduces a newest member, Samuel Balinda. He is 24 years old from Ntoroko district. He’s disabled and has a strong faith and positive attitude about his disability, making him the right person to work with disabled children and the children ministry. He’s also a part-time supervisor at the farm
The last time we reported on Emily’s progress, she was waiting for her prosthesis to be fitted, and we just received an update that she’s back home now with the prosthetic limb, but she still needs training to use it.
And we’re hopeful that a new member of Harvest Hands, Samuel……, will be able to assist Emily with her rehab because Samuel is also disabled and has a positive attitude which has allowed him to work through the limitation of his disability, and have a productive life.
Samuel will work with Emily to overcome her resistance to using the prosthetic limb, and encourage her with Harvest Hands assistance to return to the OURS center for additional rehabilitation support.
Thanks for your prayers and support to get Emily’s through her rehabilitation.
May God bless you abundantly
While visiting vanilla farmers in Ibanda District, we met a Christian family whose son has a club foot. Clinton Nyesiga had an operation four years ago to correct his foot but because the family lacked the funds, they could not complete the treatment, so we offered to bring the boy back to the OURS rehabilitation centre to correct his disability.
Clinton and his mother were admitted to the OURS facility on Monday, January 14th. Clinton is a quiet young boy and he was quite anxious when we met him at the center. But even though he was anxious about the operation, he told us that he can’t wait for the day when he starts putting on shoes like his friends at school.
Please pray for Clinton and that the operation is successful. Thank you
In preparation for Christmas and end of the year, a special day was planned for the staff on the last day before the Christmas break. …a time to share a meal, celebrate our friendships that have grown over the last 5 months and lastly to thank the Lord Jesus for his goodness and mercy.
The event started with prayers, followed by introductions, and then a speech from Tim Specht, our Coordinator. A variety of Ugandan foods were served, including Matoki, millet bread and cow ghee (a white sauce that tastes like blue cheese). And after lunch, we walked out to the maize field for a group photo and then walked back to the office, where each staff member was given a Christmas gift to show Harvest Hand’s appreciation for their hard work and team work.
The AGM for Harvest Hands took place Friday, Feb 1.The board elected Pauline Huth as the chair person and Mark Kroeger as the secretary treasurer of the organization. As for Tim, he’ll be returning to Canada with his family to meet with the partner churches and support networks. They will also meet potential partners and invite more new partners to work with HHI. Thank you for praying for the success of the meeting.
Mark Kroeger- Secretary Treasurer Pauline Huth- Chairperson
Early on the morning of January 1st, 2013, Andrew, in the blue jacket and cap, met us at the farm having travelled from Ibanda district with the sugar cane clippings. He’s been overseeing the collection of the clippings for two weeks and today he delivered them.
Together we off loaded the clippings and they’ll be planted over the next three week. The plan is to plant 33,000 cuttings on 7.5 acres as a demonstration crop and to help fund the children’s ministry.